Re: Mono monitor support?

David Woodhouse (
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 10:33:27 +0100 said:
> Hi all. I'm using 2.0.30-pre10, and wondered if there is any support
> for adding a Hercules mono card, and mono monitor.

> I remember back at 1.x there was a patch, but it seemed to stop being
> developed..

It's on sunsite, but it's also at

You can only redirect output to it (/dev/mono) but I'm working on a driver
which will allow you to use a PS/2 keyboard in the mouse port, to give the mono
screen a matching keyboard. Any more than that and you're asking for GGI,

There's a patch included for 2.1.x which allows the MDA screen to be registered
as a console device, so that oops messages etc. will appear on it. Very useful
if you're running an X server when your machine dies.

I have had getty running on the mono screen, with tty1-3 on the VGA and 4-6
on the mono. If you want that, go for GGI.

---- ---- ----
David Woodhouse, Robinson College, CB3 9AN, England. (+44) 0976 658355
finger for PGP key.