I suppose that if noone can think of a good reason to keep the old mcd
driver around, I could completely drop it from the kernel as part of my
CD-ROM update for the 2.1.x kernel. I pulled an old Mitsumi drive out of
my basement, but I can't say I have ever really used either mcd or mcdx
except for my on-going porting effort. Is anybody out there really
attached to the mcd driver, or should I drop it from the kernel? Does the
kernel really need two Mitsumi proprietary CD-ROM drivers?
-- Erik B. Andersen Web: http://www.inconnect.com/~andersen/ email: andersee@debian.org --This message was written using 73% post-consumer electrons--
On Mon, 13 Oct 1997, Christian Rost wrote:
> Today I've found out that's impossible to mount a joliet-cdrom with the mcd- > driver (Kernel 2.1.56) on an old mitsumi double speed cdrom-drive (with his > own controller-card), neither Joliet-Level 1 nor Level 3: > > mount -t iso9660 /dev/mcd /mnt > mount: block device /dev/mcd is write-protected, mounting read-only > mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mcd, > or too many mounted file systems > > On the other hand mcdx works fine :-) > Now is there any significant reason to use mcd instead of mcdx ? > > Ps: Is it possible to use an old CPS SoundblasterPro4 instead of mitsumi's > proprietary controller card ? > > -- > Christian Rost If god had intended > Knooper Landstr 6f. man to smoke, he > 24161 Kiel Tel:0431364699 would have set > mailto: stu30129@mail.uni-kiel.de him on fire >