> You want to look at beowolf and dipc. (beowolf is linux clustering; They
> have a kernel that shares a single process number space. Dipc does shared
> memory across computers).. Basically you'll want to make beowolf setup and
> add process migration..
I looked up Beowolf, it seems it would be nice on a fast network (Multiple
ppros and 100 megabit ethernet)...
But lets face it, that is too expensive; for most. I am admining six
linux boes (the most powerful a 486 dx50 with 16 megs of ram) on a 10
megabit ethernet serving 300+ computers an 1,000 + users
Beowolf is what we need to help our average load of 2.0+ to become around
1.4 atleast...
Is there a port for not so powerful server == what will the load be if
installed on my lil' network? and where can I find dipc?
Jon Torrez, LBJ High School Sr. Admin
http://www.stac.org \/ http://www.lbjhs.austin.isd.tenet.edu