I had problems with umdos in 2.1.59 so I went to work with version 2.0.31
(last stable). But when I tried to install new PPP (2.3 I think -latest) I
have some problems. When I start route always said that familiy inet1 is
not available, and I can't start ppp now. (I updated this drivers because
it wouldn;t woprk with old. Which version of PPP may I take that will work
fine with 2.0.31??
* Aleksander Rozman - Andy * Member of: E2:EA, E2F, SAABer, Trekkie, *
* aleksander.rozman@uni-mb.si * X-Phile, Heller's angel, True's screamer,*
* andy@escapenet.org * True's Trooper, Questie, Legacy, PO5. *
* Maribor, Slovenia (Europe) * http://www.escapenet.org/~andy/ *
* PGP key available * http://tferi4.uni-mb.si/~rozmanal/ *
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