smbfs OPTION?

Bill Hawes (
Sat, 8 Nov 1997 13:59:31 -0500 (EST)

I once wrote a patch for 2.0.30 smbfs to defualt case to lowercase, unless
the filename was mixed case, then case would be preserved..

1) this looked nicer
eg) AUTOEXEC.BAT became autoexec.bat
eg) CoNfIg.SyS stayed CoNfIg.SyS

2) this let me use (stupid) install scripts (slackware)
which would look specifically for lowercase filenames. (all CD's i
tried mounting were all in CAPS)

now, i could, or course (probably) write another patch for the 2.1 series
of kernels (for my personal use) to lowercase files.. but i thought it
would be nice to have a mount option (ie smbmount //windows/C /mnt -o
lower) [of course smbmount doenst work like this, at the moment..]

just my 0.02.