Re: Stops Pentiums dead (and how does Cyrix perform?)

Ulrich Drepper (
09 Nov 1997 21:00:19 +0100 (Alain Knaff) writes:

> >We may be able to set Pentiums to trap on the lock prefix when in
> >user-mode. User mode code doesn't (shouldn't) use this instruction.
> >This should fix the problem. I have already grepped through the latest
> >gcc c-library and none of that code seems to require the lock prefix.
> What about thread libraries? Wouldn't these need the lock prefix to
> ensure atomic operation?

Beside that you cannot simply trap on the `lock' prefix it is of
course completely wrong that `lock' isn't used on user-level. glibc
plus its other libraries use it quite often to handle concurrency.

-- Uli
---------------. drepper at ,-. Rubensstrasse 5
Ulrich Drepper \ ,-------------------' \ 76149 Karlsruhe/Germany
Cygnus Solutions `--' drepper at `------------------------