Re: Progress on knfsd

Martin von Loewis (
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 09:58:29 +0100

> What was happening is that I had inadvertently left a symlink in my
> exported nfs directory, which pointed back to another partition. Knfsd
> was then following the symlink and exporting an additional partition,
> and since it's just using the inode number as a fileid (not a
> pseudo-inode), there were lots of inode aliases. Once I removed the
> symlink the problems disappeared.

There seem to be two things wrong. First, knfsd should not follow symlinks:
symlinks are followed on the client. Second, it is completely acceptable
if an individual export only exports a single file system (i.e. device).
This is what everybody else does, only on Linux, an export for the root
file system also exports all mounted file systems.
