Ugh at c0110047
John Dobak (
Mon, 24 Nov 1997 21:03:39 -0500 (EST)
Just joined the list, don't know if this has been discussed or not...
I recently upgraded to 2.1.65 from 3.0.32, having had good experiences
with 2.1.57 (the last 2.1.x kernel I used)... However, in less than
two hours, I've been getting disturbing messages.. I've been told the
"ext2fs_rmdir prune" messages are nothing to worry about, but the
"Ugh at c0110047" is slightly disturbing.. Said address isn't in, but resides near the page_fault stuff. (I'm new at this,
excuse stumbling..) I'm on an AMD K5-PR133, using the stock 2.1.65
tarball'd kernel, under Debian 1.31, with a good mixture of
stable/unstable tools... I'd be happy to provide any further answers..
John Dobak | The Mighty Moshing Miscontented Malcontent of Discontention | Lord of All Small, Blue, and Smurf-Like
Moshing Dragon | Keeper of the Sacred Coal Bucket
--==(UDIC)==-- | Master of the Dreaded Pez Legions of Rectalia -><-