On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Harald Koenig wrote:
> On Nov 24, JonesMB wrote:
> > did they give a reason for not using the 3c905 cards. I am using 5 of these
> > right now in 2 different machines with no problems but if it is not a good
> > idea to use these, what should I use in the next set of Linux machines that I
> > setup. One thing though, to make those 3c905 cards work, I did have to get a
> > newer 3c59x.c driver file than the one that came with the kernel source that I
> > used, (v2.0.30)
> there are no docs available for these new 3COM chips which resulted
> in very bad drivers for this cards (it's a surprise for me that Don Becker
> even managed to get these cards working). so _many_ people suffered
> from complete network lockups and/or very bad performace on 100MBit
> when not using busmaster dma (which fixed lockups).
> same happened to us when we bought 10 boomerang cards for PPro machines
> in a 100Mbit net end of last year. and I spent _much_ time to get an idea
> whats really broken and trying to hack and fix the driver and testing new drivers
> over and over again (and hacking cron jobs every minute to restart
> locked up networks) until I finally realized that there are no chip docs at all
> so there was not too much hope to get a reasonable driver in reasonable time
> and thus I gave up and replaced all cards with DEC tulip chips in May/June
> (from LANTRONIX, works great and very cheap!).
> now I know that the most recent 3c59x.c driver from Donald seems to be
> (somewhat?) better for boomerang (but not for vortex) but it's still
> the problem that 3COM doesn't supply docs and that a similar disaster
> might happen again for the next chip generation so I decided for myself:
> no more 3COM in the future and I told 3COM managers about this decissions
> and it's reasons...
> Harald
> --
> All SCSI disks will from now on ___ _____
> be required to send an email notice 0--,| /OOOOOOO\
> 24 hours prior to complete hardware failure! <_/ / /OOOOOOOOOOO\
> Harald Koenig, \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
> Inst.f.Theoret.Astrophysik // / \\ \
> koenig@tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de ^^^^^ ^^^^^