If this is a "read" access to the array, then there is no problem: the
new array should be identical (it's just been memcpy-ed).
If this is a write access, it should've gotten the write lock to the
files strcture. Just like when you want to allocate a new fd.
The access to the pointer needs to be atomic. So if a pointer is
larger than the bus width, and the other processor can insert a fetch
between the low-word and the high-word access, then you're #$^%ed. But
this violates one of the most basic paradigms of multiprocessor
-- ** R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl ** +31-15-2137555 ** http://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** Florida -- A 39 year old construction worker woke up this morning when a 109-car freight train drove over him. According to the police the man was drunk. The man himself claims he slipped while walking the dog. 080897