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I have received this strange reply to a posting attempt...
Someone knows what does it mean???
Maybe someone is messing up the mailing list another time???
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["1281" "" "27" "November" "1997" "06:44:13" "-0800" "Postmaster" "/dd.MSMail=Postmaster/@msmail.scal.kp.org" nil "49" "Undeliverable MSMail Message" "^From:" nil nil "11" nil nil (number " " mark " Postmaster Nov 27 49/1281 " thread-indent "\"Undeliverable MSMail Message\"\n") nil nil]
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From: Postmaster </dd.MSMail=Postmaster/@msmail.scal.kp.org>
To: "Lorenzo M. Catucci" <lorenzo@argon.roma2.infn.it> (IPM Return requested)
Subject: Undeliverable MSMail Message
Date: 27 Nov 1997 06:44:13 -0800
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Microsoft Mail v3.0 IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
From: Lorenzo M. Catucci
To: linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu
Subject: [sx]quake still crashes!
Date: 1997-11-27 06:37
Priority: 3
Some more interesting results...
I just have changed video board (impedance/reflection problems with the
other one) and got a Matrox. Now, I managed to run xquake three times
with a 32 bpp setup, and no (apparent) problem, safe that x size is
halved. Since it was something new, I then tried to restart the xserver
with -- -bpp 16, and got the most real crash in my whole linux life...
black screen, no ping reply: a completely dead system.
Just looked through /var/adm, no single oops or Ugh!!!
An afterthought:
Marnix <mx@noa.student.utwente.nl> tells the oops he got came from ipfw...
Could we be positively convinced the
> Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address
> c00000d5
> current->tss.cr3 = 01919000, |r3 = 01919000
is not a quake side effect? You know, I'm getting pretty scared of all
those monsters...