That's a 64kB line; note that communication lines are usually measured
in bits per second, not bytes per second. So, an ISDN line will have a
ceiling of 8kbyte/s. A megabyte will take a minimum of 2:08 to transfer.
I just measured the time difference between unpacking 2.0.31 from .gz
and from .bz2 (7.5s and 44s, difference is 36.5 seconds on a P166).
I'd guess that for the majority of home users who don't have a T1 or
better, a bzip2 archive will _save_ time.
Note that for logfiles and similar, the savings of bzip2 over gzip can
be spectacular (bzip2'ed file may be half the size of gzipped file).
Paul Slootman
-- Can you get your operating system fixed when you need it? Linux - the supportable operating system. home: | work: | Murphy Software, Enschede, the Netherlands