Re: Default character set of the Linux console

Boris Tobotras (
29 Dec 1997 12:53:36 +0300

>>>>> "Qrczak" == Qrczak writes:

Qrczak> Everything works fine and the _only_ problem is that resetting the
Qrczak> console switches the ACM to ISO-8859-1. Very stupid problem, isn't
Qrczak> it. The fix will be small and correctly mapped fonts will become
Qrczak> fully usable.

This problem is ubiquitous in Russia. It is annoying, but is
completely solved from user space. Just add ESC(K to termcap and terminfo
init sequences for "linux" terminal. This way, every program initializing
terminal will automagically reset user mapping.

	Best regards, -- Boris.