> I guess something should be done, but not this way. There are
> several new filesystems under construction. Perhaps one of these
> can implement some optimizations.
> hjb
I did some work on ReiserFS.. (I actually sorta implimented transparent
LZO decompression).. I've abandoned work on it because they havn't moved
up to current kernels.. Once they do, then I'll start again..
Anyways, ReiserFS uses B-trees.. I really dont have much of a clue about
it's true inner workings (it didn't take much for the compression stuff).
But what I can tell you is that is was increadibly fast at many things..
Many directorys, Large Directorys, Many files, creating them, deleting
them, touching them, stating, scaning, whatever..
One of my fun tests was using squid to create a big cache directory
struture and them remove it.. I think that for the creation ReiserFS was
nearly an order of magnatude faster.. And when I removed it ReiserFS was
several orders of magnatude faster.. I really liked it..
Now.. If only they would port to the new dentry stuff and get it modern..