You have mail. Bash: biff command not found.
Frank Peng (
Thu, 8 Jan 1998 20:09:07 -0500 (EST)
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Andrej Presern: "Re: /proc/*/mem and mmap() security hole?"
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Frank Peng: "Slackware 2.0.30 unistd.h #ifdef and #endif not match."
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Theodore Y. Ts'o: "Re: PROPOSAL: /proc/dev"
Theodore Y. Ts'o: "Re: PROPOSAL: /proc/dev"
Could you please help me fix this to get rid of this message?
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Andrej Presern: "Re: /proc/*/mem and mmap() security hole?"
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Frank Peng: "Slackware 2.0.30 unistd.h #ifdef and #endif not match."
Next in thread:
Theodore Y. Ts'o: "Re: PROPOSAL: /proc/dev"
Theodore Y. Ts'o: "Re: PROPOSAL: /proc/dev"