NFS-Bug (perhaps) still in 2.1.78 (2.)

Bernhard Schuhmann (
Fri, 09 Jan 1998 11:22:43 +0100

Hi again!

A small addition to the problem discribed in the last message:

The struct flock of the argument to fcntl( ,F_SETLK, ) contains:

typ=F_RDLCK whence=SEEK_SET start=0 len=1 sys=44625 pid=6

That�s what truss -v fcntl says...

Thanx in advance for any help!!!


Bernhard Schuhmann                   /   fon: +49 7724 9411 0
GFT Informatinssysteme GmbH&Co. KG   \   fax: +49 7724 9411 94
Leopoldstr. 1                        /   www:
D-78112 St.Georgen                   \