>> Long ago I brought this up and also was looking for a way to access
>> partitions by their label (which FAT, and ext2 support). This removes the
>> possibility of partition shift and an unbootable/screwed up system if the
>> disks get changed.
>If you look around theres actually stuff for that in existance now. The
Anyone have a URL?
Originally the 'problem' with my idea was that the kernel would have to
generate the proper physical to logical map (label symlinks). This brought
up the brought forth the argument of what the kernel should be doing, and if
it did this, it should be done via a devfs.
What's I'm getting at is a TRUE seemless access to the partition label for
near unbreakbility. IE root=/dev/mypartitionname.
User space alternatives (previously and I'm sure, to be suggested) can't get
us to this point...
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