I recently saw an announcement for a new version of GGI, the General
Graphics Interface, which is much more stable and robust than the previous
version. My personal opinion is that plans should be made to incorporate
GGI in Linux 2.3. It's about time that we get fast graphics in Linux
without the need to setuid an entire graphics application, prone to go
wrong in hundreds of plaes, as root. Plus, we don't have to put with
about 20 different X servers any more; all we'll need is one, plus the
appropriate video driver for the card in use.
What do you think? Considering that Linux 2.1 has been worked on for
almost two years (!) and a 2.2 release is nowhere in sight, I would
imagine the Linux 2.4, the next stable one, would be out in, oh say,
December 1999. By that time, GGI will sure to be a rock-solid product and
a viable alternative to SVGALib and a whole phletora of X servers prone to
any number of inconsistent bugs. I think it would be wise to start making
plans to make GGI a standard part of the next Linux development cycle.
Thank you for your time.