Re: devfs
12 Jan 1998 18:57:19 +0100 (John G. Alvord) writes:

> The use of letters like h and d is rather English-centric for the exact
> physical name. A pure dot/dash/underline separated physical name
> would require less to explain for non-Englishspeakers.

Right. But then again, for that vast majority of linux-users worldwide
that actually are able to understand a word like "target", it is rather
nice to have that shorthand little "t" in there to point out exactly
which of the digits refer to the SCSI-id.

As for English vs. not, what the hell is a "LUN" anyway? Let's keep the
letters, it's a lot simpler than counting digits. Or find a
non-English-speaking person who really insists it would be easier for
*him* not to have the letters present.



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