> Using kernel 2.1.78 with pppd 2.3.2, I occaisonally get a message from
> kerneld and modprobe:
> can't locate module (:
> It does appear to be networking related as it shows up sometimes along with
> the 'net-pf-4' and 'net-pf-5' messages.
netpf-4 and netpf-5 are IPX and localtalk. if ye don't use them, alias
them off in /etc/conf.modules:
alias net-pf-4 off
alias net-pf-5 off
-Sir Woody Hackswell balint@udayton.edu woody@woodynet.siscom.net
(The ArchFool) http://homepages.udayton.edu/~balintrc
"Bless me Father, for my C program has performed Segmentation Violation"
"A grave sin indeed, my son..." replied the Priest.
"I know... I know..." I gulp. "Is there any chance for Salvation??"
The Priest ponders, and then replies, "An offering of cold beer and pizza
to the Linus _may_ save your pitiful soul from perdition, my son!"