Re: LARGE MEMleak with /dev/zero, 2.1.78

Regis Duchesne (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 01:56:47 +0100 (CET)

> Hope it is enough of information for someone to start investigating the
> problem. I dont know that part of kernel.
Could you please narrow this problem with the excellent 'deluxe memleak
detector' patch from mingo? With this tool, it is really easy to determine
the faulty line(s) of source code.

By the way, could these very useful kind of patches be integrated in the
mainstream kernel with a compilation option?

Regis "HPReg" Duchesne - Engineering Student at ***** ******** *****
(O o) I use Linux & 3Com (1135 KB/s over 10Mb/s ethernet)