Re: devfs patch v3
Steffen Grunewald (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 08:59:28 +0100 (MET)
"John Looney writes"
|> Ar Tue, Jan 13, 1998 at 11:20:23AM +0100, scriofa Steffen Grunewald:
|> > Then would would IMHO be most logical to have
|> >
|> > /dev/sd/c0b0t4l0s1
|> > /dev/st/c0b0t5
|> > /dev/scd/c0b0t6
|> I think the way solaris does it is fine. Why not keep with that ?
|> /dev/dsk/c0t1d3s4
What does Solaris do with IDE disks ?
Sorry, cannot check it myself, don't have PCs with Solaris X86.
Sparc doesn't support IDE disks.
name : Steffen Grunewald | disclaimer: My opinions are mine.
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