Re: 2.0.33: talk about weird

Samuli Kaski (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 22:07:05 +0200 (EET)

Thank you for your input Richard.

If no one sees a kernel problem here, maybe all suggestions that are
userlevel related could be sent to me privately so that I can't be
blamed of flooding the list with unrelated issues. Thank you.

On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Richard B. Johnson wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Samuli Kaski wrote:
> > I Just had a confusing experience I wanted to share with you all.
> >
> > The story begins when I interrupted a "rm -rf /usr/local/lib/" started
> > by mistake. (as root) Next thing I know I can't compile anything, gcc
> > dies with signal 11. Well I checked that /usr/local/lib doesn't
> > contain any files required/used by gcc. Well it shouldn't.
> >
> Well it certainly should have symlinks to /usr/lib so that it doesn't
> have duplicate files. Also `ls /usr/lib/libg*` will show what
> became `unavailable` after the symlinks were removed.

Hmm, my thoughts exactly. However only libraries I have/had there was
Mesa, tcl and zlib and they still are there. Never theless I ran
ldconfig after the incident. And I haven't yet seen any symlinks in
there except maybe in the GNU emacs share directory. Maybe because my
system really isn't from any distribution. I have just used the a and
ap of some ancient slackware and been installing/upgrading everything
manually ever since.

> I suggest you look on your distribution CDROM (if that's the source) and
> put back the symlinks that got removed.

I will recheck but I don't think this is a problem.

> When you start up loads /etc/ If you remove the files
> to which this caches refers, things that use the shared library (about
> everything) stop working. Once you rebooted, these entries were no longer
> in the cache so your shared-library programs used the libraries within
> either /user/lib or /lib. It's all very simple. But... I'll bet you
> a dime that you deleted something that you will eventually find __must__
> be put back. `rm -r` is very powerful.

Well I yet have to miss anything and everything runs just fine after
the reboot.

Samuli Kaski,
Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland.