I'm currently running 2.0.33 with modules (scsi, aic7xxx, nic NE2000, ...)
and a few days ago I run into following troubles:
The kernel still booted as usual but I couldn't loal modules any more
(manual & with kerneld).
I looked at /var/log/messages where the kernel told me something like:
"4203 Symbols loaded from /boot/System.map"
"No module symbols loaded"
(Sorry for beeing not exact...I'm currently sitting on another machine)
My question is: Where should the kernel the information for module
symbols get from (which file)?
Furthermore everytime I tried with modprobe/insmod to load a module in
/var/log/messages i found a message: "modprobe: can't locate module
Thanks for answers,
Roman Prischl
8020 Graz
Email: roman@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at