:==))) Mikael.
Mikael Fältman, WM-data Dataservice AB
Ivögatan 5, Box 164, 295 22 Bromölla
Telefon 0456-47541, Telefax 0456-25025, Mobiltel 070-5543244
e-post: mifal@wmdata.com
X.400: G=Mikael; S=Faltman; O=BRO3; P=WMDATA; A=WMDATA; C=SE
>From: Hubert Mantel[SMTP:mantel@suse.de]
>Sent: Monday, February 02, 1998 12:00 PM
>To: "Fältman, Mikael"
>Cc: 'linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu'
>Subject: RE: Lockup in 2.0.33
>On Mon, 2 Feb 1998, "Fältman, Mikael" wrote:
>> Is there anyone that are running Linux on Iwill P55XUW Award BIOS 4.51PG
>Update your BIOS. This particular version has been reported many times to
>be buggy (spontaneous reboots after 'calibrating delay loop'). I have
>feedback from about a dozen of people who could solve their problems by
>upgrading the BIOS. See http://www.iwill.com.tw.
>> Mikael Fältman, WM-data Dataservice AB
> Hubert