Re: What is accepted into the standard kernel sources ?

Rogier Wolff (
Wed, 4 Feb 1998 10:33:26 +0100 (MET)

Kevin Lentin wrote:

> The difference with your approach is that your library _can_ be
> supplied in source code (where most of the others
> can't). Additionally, stuff to be executed on the host CPU is at the
> mercy of the many different incarnations of the system that there
> are out there. Do you provide different code for every kernel
> release that is available as the kernel changes? Firmware for
> embedded processors are different, they don't alter. The kernel
> does.

The library was very well designed and written. I expected that I'd
need a few extra "entry points" into the library for the Linux
port. Not so. ALL required entry points were in the first version I

As the library only provides an API towards the hardware, it does not
depend on the host OS or Linux kernel version.

> What about other platforms on which Linux runs?

Right. Given enough demand Olicom might decide to release the modules
for different CPUs.


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