Re: Linux 2.1 on an Alpha SX164

Bill Hawes (
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 23:18:56 -0500

David Woodhouse wrote:

> Q1: What's the official status of the Alpha port? 2.0.x seems unusable without
> the patches from, and 2.1.x doesn't have half of those patches
> in either. Who maintains them, and why are they not ported to, and included in,
> 2.1.x? 2.1.84 didn't look like it compiled on _any_ Alpha platform, because of
> references to local_bh_count

Hi David,

Since you have an Alpha machine to work and and test with, why don't you
coordinate the effort to get the various patches merged into the 2.1.xx stream?
I've seen postings here from a number of Alpha users, so there is an active user
base to support. Seems like it just needs a push to get things done ..
