Victory and gpf of linux kernel

Egor Egorov (
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 22:16:09 +0000 (GMT)

Hello all.

I am webmaster&sysadm of PC World Ukraine.

The main internet server is running on a pretty old system:

Red Hat Linux 4.9.1. Kernel was 2.0.32. Kernel caused gpf (who knows
why..) right on boot, but bootup finished, and system worked. I decided
not to touch it. Just to see, how long it will survive.

Now, uptime is 64 days, and gpf dump is still in dmesg buffer. :-)

Server is extremely loaded, and it perfectly works. At monday I will
shutdown it to upgrade kernel. Or maybe it's better to wait for .34 and
have a bigger uptime? ;-)

This was the good news. And the bad news is that serial.o module can be
insmoded while serial support is built in kernel. I can even rmmod it
after loading (btw, dmesg tells me theese lines about detected ttyS*
twice: one time for kernel, and second for inserted module).
But after that, I cannot touch serial ports - or kernel opses: gpf. This
happened and tested by me today, on 2.0.33 kernel.

// Egor Egorov.

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