I do agree that a feature freeze would be good soon but there is still
a lot of work that needs to be done before I think 2.2. would be out. On the
upside, 2.1.84+hpa's autofs patch has been running pretty rock solid for us for
the last week or so. And here that means it's a good kernel. One thing that I
would like to see fixed is the floppy code. It's ugly and it ain't too stable.
I would take a stab at it but the code is horrendous and I don't need any more
On Sat, 7 Feb 1998, Adam D. Bradley wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Feb 1998, James Mastros wrote:
> > Exactly. On the other hand, keep an absolute feature freze, and don't start
> > 2.3 until a real 2.2 is out the door. Changing from a 2.1.x strand to a
> > 2.2.0-preX strand would do that.
> >
> > -=- James Mastros
> >
> > PS -- I don't think that 2.3 should last nearly as long as 2.1 did -- one
> > major improvement, and that's it. IMHO, we could have had a 2.2 by now if
> > sombody hadn't jumped the gun on the SMP IRQ changes <G>. That would have
> > two major re-designs: the dcache and smart-config. Now we are working on
> > getting the bugs out of the third.
> Don't forget copy_*_user(), the feature that pretty much kicked off
> 2.1.X, or the gradual changeover to spinlocks, TCP/IP enhancements
> (which were backported to 2.0 in the "SPS" series by Dave Miller that
> became 2.0.30) or the modularization of the sound driver... that's 7
> major changes to the kernel, plus the traditional ploethera of new
> drivers and filesystems and all. And even w/o the IO-APIC stuff,
> dcache is still not completely hammered out (umsdos etc need to catch
> up, and has anyone ever found what caused those random dcache
> corruptions?), spinlocks are making progress, and TCP and sound are a
> little too ragged for a stable release at the moment. So I don't
> think 2.2.0 would _quite_ be out the door just yet...
> But I think you're right, the case is _very_ strong for shortening the
> development cycle in the future. But that's Linus's call, and I'm not
> one to second-guess the wisdom of our fearless leader ;-)
> Opinions, nothing more,
> Adam
> --
> Things look so bad everywhere Adam D. Bradley artdodge@cs.bu.edu
> In this whole world what is fair Boston University Computer Science
> We walk blind and we try to see Ph.D. student and Linux hacker
> Falling behind in what could be ----> Bring me a Higher Love ----> <><
> -
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