The reason I've forwarded this to the kernel list is that my personal experience
has been that Linux has always been much more stable not running X.
I suspect that this may be causing problems for things other than RT-Linux
It's also the best argument I've seen so far for why GGI should make it into the
Comments anyone ?
>you smart guy, you.....
>I did objdump -d XF86_SVGA > /tmp/tmp
>.....waited.....(/tmp/tmp weighs in at over 30mb)
>then grep -i cli /tmp/tmp ....
>I got a bunch of cli's
>and sti's too...
>well, what do we do now??
>shouldn't someone talk to the XF86 guys and explain them what our problem is
>so they don't continue doing it.
>maybe someone could recompile the common servers without a direct cli..
>Maybe they should use the same cli() as the rest of the kernel..
>Thanks for a fine piece of detective work..
> Larry
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Date: 12-Feb-98
Time: 09:17:13
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