Apologies [Re: How detect 48MB RAM on a Compaq Prolinea 590 ?]

Leif Erlingsson (leif@lege.com)
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 10:55:41 +0100 (MET)

While it is true that a Compaq Prolinea 590 does not by itself
detect more than 16 MB RAM, I have still made a fool of myself.

I was dead sure I had read in some HOWTO, README or manual page
that in this special case,

append = "mem=0x2F2E000"

the "0x" must be omitted (NOT TRUE!). I cannot explain where I
read or believed I had read this (though probably I was reading
the BootPrompt-HOWTO). I have searched my filesystem, but not
found it, so I guess my brain must have played an evil trick on
me. :-(

Paul Wilkins <paulw@monsterboard.com.au> asked about the spaces,
so I'll comment on that: It is OK to have space after append
but not after mem. append = "mem=0x2F2E000" is OK.
I am using it now.

This value reserves some memory so Linux don't use it in case the
machine is using it for BIOS cacheing or whatever (from the
BootPrompt-HOWTO, where I read this originally).

Several people have told me to use

append = "mem=48M"

instead, and this is also in the BootPrompt-HOWTO, so I'm sure it
works fine too.

So, anyway, my apologies to everyone for taking up your very
valuable time with my misunderstanding! (But it *would* be nice
if the RAM could be autodetected...)


Leif Erlingsson Tel +46 8 604-0995
DATA LEGE Fax +46 8 605-2551
Glavagatan 33 URL http://www.lege.com
123 71 Farsta, Sweden Email mailto:leif@lege.com
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