Quake in 2.1.x
Chris Atenasio (root@lilo.dyn.ml.org)
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:23:59 -0500 (EST)
I currently run 2 kernels: 2.0.33 SMP and 2.1.86 SMP on a micronics W6LI
dual ppro(works great with IO-APIC btw) A problem I noticed recently was
not being able to connect to a self run quake server in 2.1.x. It also
wasnt possible to connect over the network. Interestingly, quakeworld
seems to work fine in all respects. Is this a system specific problem or
are there issues in the kernel? Or am I doing something wrong? I do tend
to run a rather "bloated" kernel if that makes a difference...
Thanks in advance!
- chris
(also chrisa@ultranet.com if for some odd reason hell freezes over and my
machine goes down :)
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