On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Stephan Meyer
> On 11 Feb 1998, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> > would get you a serial-console into the BIOS setup! Does anyone know if
> > a general BIOS setup screen uses INT10 or if it writes to video memory
> > directly?
> My humble guess is that it does use Int10 to ensure maximum compatibility
> with all kinds of video cards. The video bios is provided by the video
> board itself.
> But this really is just an assumption :)
> > Mike.
> ------------------------------------------------
> Stephan.Meyer@pobox.com
> meyerst@informatik.uni-muenchen.de
> http://pobox.com/~stephan.meyer/
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> So what would an angel say
> The devil wants to know
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