> I'm running RH 5.0 + all official updates + linux-2.0.33 +
> e2fscompr-0.3.6
> Now unless you do a 'chattr -m lzo +c filename' everything works just
> fine.
> I've been using e2compress to try debug my LZO code by running
> 'e2compress
> -m lzo filename'. Sometimes it suceeds, sometimes
> it doesn't. I've examined the execution in gdb and it certainly seems
> to be doing
> everything in user space.
> But when it's done (either success or failure) the kernel will start
> oopsing. Hey?
If the chattr +c oopses, then how does the e2compress
program change the attribute?
Does the kernel know the file and it's attributes have
changed underneath it?
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