> Just a patch for compiling CS4232 PnP soundcard. The Makefile forgot to
> compile the a/d which is needed by the card.
If you're going to do this, please add lines like this just before
'include $TOPDIR/Rules.make':
L_OBJS := $(sort $(L_OBJS))
M_OBJS := $(sort $(M_OBJS))
LX_OBJS := $(sort $(LX_OBJS))
MX_OBJS := $(sort $(MX_OBJS))
Then test it with a variety of options, including turning on all
drivers as resident and all drivers as modules.
That will get rid of the 'duplicate ad1848.o' errors which are already
there and your patch exacerbates.
I'll volunteer to test such a patch but I'm too busy to write one
tonight. :-/
Michael Chastain
"love without fear"
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