RE: ctrl-alt-del not handicap accesable?

Jordan Mendelson (
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 18:38:36 -0500

> On Wed, Feb 18, 1998 at 12:32:30PM -0700, Linux Mailing list account
> Hi,
> > Recently, a friend of mine (who only has one arm) was complaining to me
> > ctrl-alt-del did not shutdown/reboot his linux box. It took me a minute
> > realize that you must use the left control and alt keys -- the right
> > don't work. He now uses his nose to reboot his system, but complains to
> > every time :)
> I would think that typing 'shutdown -r now' would be considerably easier
> then hitting ALT with your nose :)

You can hit ctrl-alt-del with your right hand (three fings, it's the way i
do it, using the deliete above the arrows).

I have also heard of a company that made keyboards for the handicapped which
grouped keys and allowed easier access for people with only one hand.
Unfortunatly, I don't remember the URL.


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