Re: Clue on 2.0.33 crashes

Michael Marxmeier (
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 19:54:21 +0100

Thomas Schenk Z wrote:
> Which version of xntpd are you running? We never saw this
> message until we upgraded to xntp3-5.91 and then only after
> switching to 2.0.32 (when the kernel code changed). I asked
> the author about this message and he said that it is harmless,
> but my experience tells me otherwise. The other thing I would
> ask you is whether the machines on which you are running xntpd
> are SMP or not. I think that the problem I am experiencing
> with xntpd may be SMP specific.

FYI: I'm running a SMP system with xntp3-5.91 and do not suffer
from lockups. I see the message about kernel PLL change 89
(or similar) sometimes in the log, possibly when it regained
synchronization with the server. Since this system is not
heavily loaded (just used as a workstation and compile host),
this can make the difference though.


Michael Marxmeier           Marxmeier Software GmbH
E-Mail:      Suedstrasse 58
Voice : +49 202 2431440     42119 Wuppertal, Germany
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