> Your patch seems to fix the EIO prob, but I got (till now) one:
> Feb 23 09:08:13 kernel: NFS: server hp, readdir reply truncated
> Feb 23 09:08:13 kernel: NFS: nr=170, slots=3, len=7
Yes, this is the expected behavior. The first detected overrun sets a flag to
make subsequent readdir calls pass the buffer size in longwords. If this problem
turns out to be prevalent, we could make a mount option to enable it from the
> The "RPC garbage" problem is repeatable and I remember, that I had it
> also happen on copying files. The last time I tried the 2.1 kernel I
> promptly restarted my box to 2.0 since nearly everything is
> nfs-mounted here. So I had only the xemacs case.
OK, if the RPC garbage is repeatable, try uncommenting the #define
NFS_PAD_WRITES and that will probably fix it. Some servers are picky about
getting RPC messages that aren't lonword multiples.
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