Re: GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source

Nathan Uno (
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 11:03:49 -0500 (EST)

On 24 Feb, Jes Degn Soerensen wrote:
> Well we had Geert try it out as an alternative to fbdev and it was not
> very promising. This of course does not say that GGI hasn't become a
> lot better (I belive it has) but I still need some good arguments to
> convince me that GGI will actually do what we need at a reasonable
> speed.

I lurk on the GGI mailing list, and Geert was involved in the
discussions there for a while. Have you spoken with him recently about
GGI? If fbcon/fbdev seriously outperforms GGI, I'd think the GGI
people would be right on it, and I suspect Geert would be helping

> Jes


Nathan 'Nato' Uno

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