Re: even the press likes us ;-)

Alan Cox (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 18:41:15 +0000 (GMT)

> ...talking about ARMs on too-big-PDAs:
> What's about the PSION Series 5???
> Small like a glasses etui, 8MB RAM (extendable by CF Disks)
> ARM 7100 processor?

PSION wont provide any documentation, any information and aren't even polite
about it. In my personal opinion (and not just in terms of Linux) they have
a major attitude problem with the psion5 and its no wonder their developer
base is running to windows CE ("Hello would you like some free sdk's little
boys and girls" says Bill).

> Hey, wants one to implement LINUX on that machine...
> Thousands of users would be happy (including me ;-)

You should have asked Psion for documentation before you bought it. Pity
cos the hardware has potential its just attached to an apple like inability
to understand that taking a smaller share of a bigger pie makes more


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