> arch/i386/kernel/kernel.o: In function `unmask_generic_irq':
> arch/i386/kernel/kernel.o(.text+0x2327): undefined reference to
> `enable_IO_APIC_irq'
> make: *** [vmlinux] Error 1
> Is this because I have SMP off?
Yes. It's easy too work around, though - look at the irq.c file, and
remove the enable_IO_APIC_irq statement (of course, that's not the
proper fix, but it has here for about 15 hours now).
There are some small problems with sound as well -
/lib/modules/2.1.89/misc/sound.o: unresolved symbol errno
(configured for an SB AWE32)
-- Trond Eivind Glomsrød http://s9412a.steinan.ntnu.no/~teg/ ** teg@pvv.ntnu.no- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu