Re: Low level IP question. 2.1.88 bug?

A.N.Kuznetsov (
Tue, 10 Mar 1998 13:20:10 +0300

In article <> you wrote:
: 18:49:30.504941 arp who-has tell
: 18:53:30.994941 arp who-has tell
: 18:57:10.104941 arp who-has tell

It is not "all the time" :-) 3-4 min is more close to "never" :-)
In the worse case it would poll it every 15-45 sec.

: rest of the hosts on my net in the arp cache. My seldom used sparc
: station seems to have the arp table for my lan figured out. The only
: one that it doesn't have in its arp cache is my printer which it never
: talks to directly:

arp in sunos is hoplessly broken. It never times out arp cache,
so that if address is changed you must go there and delete the entry
by hands.

Alexey Kuznetsov

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