> What do I do with /sbin/kerneld.
> At present, my rc.S script tests for its presence, and does things if it
> is present.
My solution was
if test `uname -r` == "2.0.33"; then
This assumes, of course, that you'll never boot into a pre-2.1.90 kernel
other than 2.0.33.
> Also, where in the start up scripts should the echos in kmod.txt go?
You usually won't need them, kmod defaults to reasonable values.
If you do need to change something, I'd recommend
if test `uname -r` == "2.0.33"; then
-- bero@bero-online.ml.org - ICQ/UIN 6545964 - http://www.star-trek.ml.org/ --
"Nobody will ever need more than 640k RAM!"
-- Bill Gates, 1981
"Windows 95 needs at least 8 MB RAM."
-- Bill Gates, 1996
"Nobody will ever need Windows 95."
-- logical conclusion
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