> The usual cause for this is when the directories in the patch file
> do not match the tree being patched. AFAIK, for the default -p0 to
> work correctly, the paths in the patch file relating to "OLD" or
> "Original" location must match exactly the paths in the source tree
> being patched. For the linux kernel, this means that the root of your
> tree must be called ./linux, and not something like ./linux-2.1.89.
I used to use patch -p0, and I had to rename my directories around
a lot to meet the './linux' requirement.
cd /usr/src
mv linux-foo linux
patch -p0 < /tmp/patch
mv linux linux-foo
Then I found about 'patch -p1':
cd /usr/src/linux-foo
patch -p1 < /tmp/patch
This makes my life easier.
Michael Chastain
"love without fear"
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