>On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Balaji Srinivasan wrote:
>> I dont think this would work as you expect it to...as swap_out_process
>> does not swap_out the whole process, but just one page...am I wrong here?
>No, your completely right... What would work is:
>while (p->mm->rss) {
> swapout_process(p, gfp);
(I know it doesn't throw the whole thing out, I watched it work.) :)
Is it safe to assume that while this code is running, the program will not
be run and try to be swapped back in? I thought about that but wasn't sure
if the kernel could get into a swap-fight with one part (swap_out_pid)
throwing the program out and the page faults bringing it back in. Doesn't
sound likely but I suppose the worst that can happen is I lock my machine
up. :)
I'll clean up it and see what I can do. Any idea what GFP_ it should use
or is 0 adequate?
-George (who doesn't like wasted memory when it could be a cache)
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