objdump flags associated with 2.0.33 kernel compliation
Woody (woody@abcs.com)
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 21:15:22 -0500
After recompiling my 2.0.33 kernel in order to compile pppd2.3.3 into
it, I ran into the following error near the end of
compliation.....I know what the problem is, I even traced it down to the
Makefile, but from there I am clueless to which flags in objdump are
similiar to the older version of it....I need the alternatives to
"objdump -k -r "....objdump spits out that -k is an illegal option. I'm
not sure if "-r" is one of them....I just really noticed "-k"....even
though, in the Makefile, those flags are determined by $OBJFLAGS......if
someone could tell me what the alternative switch is to this, I would
appreciate it....ThanX....
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beautiful girl in a diaphanous veil waiting to be turned into a
chimpanzee, and I care not who writes the nations laws!"
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