Re: re-detect SCSi bus?
Brian Macy (
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 08:08:56 -0800
>Windows95 does this "rescan" by looking at the installed devices and
>rechecking for their presence. If such as list were kept in Linux - at
>least for SCSI, then I suspect the "rescan" could be accomplished.
>I am making a lot of assumptions here - but I think it is important to
>visit this issue. SCSI is used far more extensively in Linux then Win95.
>It also is becoming more of a plug and play bus - with auto termination,
>auto ID, and the new single connector (power and data) connections.
>Shouldn't this be done in a common SCSI module (non card specific) ?
I agree... I use the rescan feature in Win95 to detect my SCSI scanner. The
life on the bulb isn't that long so I don't want to leave it on all the
time. I'd also like to hot swap drives into a SCSI tower and unloading the
SCSI module is just not an option. If anyone knows where to grab docs on
doing a rescan (even a hacked one) I'd appreciate it (I'm hoping to get as
much off my Windows boxes as possible... especially the scanner).
Brian Macy
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