as my machine is now up for nearly 14 days, I'll venture another
explanation that at least for my setup looks like it's causing (helping
to cause?) the lockups.
As said before, there were 3 isdn cards in it. These cards had the habit
to generate lots of interrupts. Lots. More than the timer on board
(every 8ms, if I'm not mistaken). Well, I exchanged everything. I even
exchanged the isdn cards (now there are only two, as I didn't have
enough handy then). With the first try, one of the new cards did this
interrupt-fire also. You guess, a lock after 7 days. I installed a new
HiSax driver that knew how to switch of those irq in these cards. Well,
I'm now at nearly 14 days uptime.
So, under a machine with moderate load, this irq fire seems to upset the
kernel so much that it does something to get some free time?
Anybody wants to comment?
Klaus Lichtenwalder, Dipl. Inform., PGP Key: email to fax: +49-89-91072699
Mausoberflaechen sind meistens pelzig -- Ricarda
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