Re: Detecting kmod
Erik Andersen (
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 23:23:14 -0700
On Fri, Mar 20, 1998 at 10:49:27PM -0500, Anthony DeStefano wrote:
> I have began using kmod with 2.1.90 now and I was wondering how many of
> you where detecting weather to make the appropriate echo's or start kerneld
> when booting multiple kernels (which I sometimes do to test things)
> I now have if [ `uname -r` = '2.1.90' ]; then in my startup script but as
> you can see that's going to get really annoying after kernel 2.1.90.
> So what do you people do? Is there a file I could check for in /proc or
> something?
> -= Anthony DeStefano =-
> <>
The Debian modutils package does this in /etc/init.d/kerneld:
if [ -f /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe ]; then
echo "Kernel has kmod, kerneld not needed"
exit 0
Erik B. Andersen Web:
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