2.1.90 success
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 12:03:19 -0800 (PST)
Hi all,
I've been working to get my system up on a 2.1.90 kernel, and after installing
all the required program changes, I compiled, and rebooted without any problems.
I've noticed the system seems a bit snapper (well, alot!). So far nothing in
the way of errors to report, but in the event that it happens, here's my
Intel DK440LX MB
2-Intel Pentium II 233Mhz
128Megs RAM
Buslogic BT-958 Controller with:
Micropolis 4421-07
Quantum FIREBALL1080S
Plextor CD-ROM PX-20TS
Matrox Millennium II AGP
Canopus 3Dfx Voodoo
Gravis Ultrasound PnP
USR V.Everything V.90
This system has the basic onboard stuff, but I've disabled most of it due to the
scsi controller not being supported (yet). I am compiling in support of
ethernet, but currently not using it.
Please let me know if their is something you wish me to test as I would like to
contribute to the SMP development. I'm not sure whether or not my board has
been put on the white list or whatever, but I hope that this helps.
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